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The TAKEN! Series - Books 1-4 (Taken! Box Set) Page 7
The TAKEN! Series - Books 1-4 (Taken! Box Set) Read online
Page 7
After a relaxing massage, she went out by the pool and reclined in a chaise lounge. An attendant came by and she ordered a rum punch.
This was not a spa where the corpulent came to shed pounds or where the ill came to rid themselves of toxins; this was a spa where you came to be pampered, to indulge, to relax.
The spa was also women only, and as Jessica sipped on her second drink, one of the other women approached her and lay on the chaise to the left of hers. Jessica acknowledged her with a smile and the woman smiled back, while staring at Jessica’s bikini clad body.
“Wow, you are in very good shape,” the woman said. “What’s your secret?”
Jessica grinned. “I normally stay away from places like this. I bet I gain five pounds this weekend, but it’s worth it, sometimes you just have to let go.” She then gave the woman a good look. “You’re in great shape also.”
“Thanks, so, what burned you out so much that you needed to get away?”
“Work, it’s been a little stressful lately,”
“I know what you mean,” the woman said, and then she gestured towards the pool. “I think I’ll take a swim, wanna come?”
Jessica sat her drink down and stood up. As the other woman did the same, Jessica spied a three-inch scar on the woman’s left side. The woman saw her looking at it.
“I’ve had that scar since I was eighteen.”
“I’m not a plastic surgeon, but I’m certain that they could remove that if you wanted them to. They’re doing great things with tissue repair these days.”
“Oh no, I would never get rid of it. It reminds me of something special.”
Jessica offered the other woman her hand.
“By the way, I’m Jessica White.”
The woman smiled back, as she took her hand.
“Hi, I’m Hanna, Hanna Jones.”
It was late Sunday afternoon; Jessica and Hanna were saying their goodbyes in the lobby, when a red sports car parked in the spa’s circular driveway.
Hanna lit up in a smile. “There’s my husband, oh Jessica, you've just got to meet him.”
As they walked towards the car, Jeffrey got out of it and smiled at them, he then greeted Hanna with a lingering kiss.
“How was your weekend, baby?”
“Fantastic! But, Jeffrey, say hello to Jessica, Jessica is a psychiatrist.”
Jeffrey reached out and shook her hand.
“Hello Jessica, my name is Jeffrey Mitchell; I’m Hanna’s husband.”
Jessica smiled. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Hanna hugged Jeffrey. “Isn’t he gorgeous, Jessica?”
Jessica nodded in agreement, while appraising Jeffrey. He was as tall as her husband was and looked to be in excellent condition. She also took note that Jeffrey Mitchell was one very handsome man.
“Hanna’s mentioned you often, Jeffrey, in fact; I understand that you design video games, my husband would love to pick your brain, he’s an app developer, but he’s talked about expanding into video game design.”
“What apps has he developed?”
Jessica mentioned a few names and Jeffrey grinned and showed her his phone’s home screen.
“I own all of them, but then, so do many people, your husband has quite an inventive mind.”
Jessica leaned over and gave Hanna a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m so glad we’ve met, Hanna. I had a very good time this weekend and a lot of that was due to you.”
Hanna left Jeffrey’s side and gave Jessica a hug.
“Keep in touch, Jessica, you have my number, and have a safe drive home.”
“I will, take care you two,”
Jeffrey watched Jessica as she walked away.
“She’s even more beautiful in person.”
Hanna stood in front of him and looked up into his eyes.
“So, what do you think?”
Jeffrey’s mouth formed into a wide grin.
“I think she’s next.”
Jessica returned home to find her husband in the office. She walked over and plopped down in his lap and the two of them enjoyed a kiss.
He brushed back her hair. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, but the spa was great and I feel so refreshed; I also made a new friend.”
She then told him about Hanna and Jeffrey.
“Jeffrey Mitchell, yes, I know the name. He’s the creator of “Disemboweled”, from what I’ve read, it’s the most violent video game ever made, but it sells extremely well.”
“Well, he seems nice enough, and his wife and I really hit it off. I want to keep in touch with her; it’s too bad that they live so far away.”
He began unbuttoning her dress.
“You must need a bath after that long drive home, hmm?”
She smiled. “Only if I can find a volunteer to scrub my back,”
He slid the dress off her shoulders.
“Oh, I think that can be arranged.”
In the woods that bordered the house, Jeffrey and Hanna studied the home through binoculars.
“It’s a more modest home than I expected; however it is in a secluded area, much like our place.”
“Do you want to take her here, in her home?” Hanna asked.
“No, no tonight is just reconnaissance. I just wanted to get a feel for the woman.”
“Why so much interest in this one?’ Hanna said.
Jeffrey lowered the binoculars and studied her.
“Was that jealousy I just heard? If it was, don’t worry; my interest in her stems from curiosity. In case you didn’t know it, your new friend is quite the darling of law enforcement.”
“What? You’re saying she’s a cop of some sort?”
“A consultant, she’s a criminal profiler. I was quite pleased that no alarms went off in her head upon meeting me; from what I understand, she’s uncanny at catching serial killers.”
“Oh my God, Jeffrey, I’m so sorry. I never would have suggested her if I’d known that about her. She told me that she had a select practice with only a few patients, she said nothing about being a criminal profiler.”
“There’s no need to apologize. I’ve needed a challenge. As delectable as the Isabella’s of the world are, they offer little in the way of mental stimulation once you have them bound and helpless. However, this one, this Dr. Jessica White, well, I can’t wait to see if she rises to the challenge and attempts to talk her way out of it.”
“The way I did?” Hanna said.
He put an arm around her.
“Yes, the way you did, unfortunately for sweet Jessica, no matter how eloquent her pleading becomes, there will be only one outcome.”
“This sounds so risky; are you certain we should do this? After she’s dead, it won’t be hard for someone to trace our connection to her.”
“Let them; first I’ll outsmart Dr. Jessica White and then I’ll outwit whoever they send to investigate. Now come on and let’s leave these woods; I’ve been without you for two days and a man has his needs.”
Hanna kissed him. “Some men have more needs than others,”
He caressed her cheek. “Some women too,”
After clearing away the dishes, Jessica sat back down across from him at the breakfast table.
Over a second cup of coffee, they each checked their phones for news or e-mail.
Jessica made a happy sound and he looked up to see her smiling.
“What is it?”
“It’s an e-mail from Hanna, you know, the woman I met at the spa? Well, she’s invited us to go on a weekend cruise with them. She says that they have their own boat down in Key West.”
He made no comment, and so she looked over at him.
“You don’t want to go, do you?”
“It’s not that I mind taking the trip; it actually sounds relaxing, it’s just that most people find me... odd, and I wouldn’t want to scare your new frie
nd off.”
“You’re not odd, you’re... different, and sometimes people sense that about you.”
“Different? That’s one way to put it. You do remember that the only reason we ever met was because I wanted to rape and murder you?”
“Don’t! Don’t do that, you were in a lot of pain back then because of your childhood and it nearly caused you to descend into darkness, but you were stronger than the pain, stronger than your past and in the end, you did the right thing and released me.”
He shook his head in wonderment.
“I don’t know why you ever forgave me. Why you didn’t just call the police and have me locked away.”
“I was fascinated by you; you were unlike anyone I’d ever met; you still are.”
“And that’s why you kept seeing me?”
She reached over and took his hand.
“No silly, I kept seeing you because I was falling in love.”
Days later, they were in Key West.
They arrived at the dock on a bright, clear morning with the temperature hovering near eighty. Hanna walked over to them wearing a red bikini and greeted Jessica with a hug.
“Jessica, I’m so happy to see you again, and this must be your husband.”
Jessica made the introductions and then they followed Hanna toward the yacht.
“You know, Jessica; we have so much in common. I kept my maiden name too, also, we both work in the mental health field and we both have hunks for husbands.”
“Thank you for the compliment,” he told Hanna, while watching her as she walked in front of him. Although happily married and devoid of even a trace of unfaithfulness, he nevertheless was a connoisseur of the female form, and welcomed almost any chance to view prime examples of it.
Hanna Jones’ body was exquisite, nearly as flawless as his wife’s own. The only flaw he spied was an old scar on her left side. He was certain it was the result of a knife wound, and for just a moment, he wondered how she received it, and by whom.
They reached the boat and Hanna welcomed them on board. A moment later, Jeffrey came up from below decks. He smiled and greeted Jessica with a peck on the cheek, and then Hanna introduced them.
He smiled at Jeffrey in greeting, even as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Jeffrey cocked his head while looking at him strangely and then offered a tentative hand. As they shook hands, they uttered the same words, at the same time.
“Do I know you?”
Their wives both laughed at the coincidence.
“You two could pass for brothers,” Hanna said. “And I was just remarking to Jessica how much the two of us had in common.”
“There is a resemblance, but it didn’t strike me until I saw you two together,” Jessica agreed.
Jeffrey released his hand and pointed towards the bow.
“Why don’t I take us out so we can enjoy the ocean breeze, and then the four of us will become better acquainted, eh? Meanwhile, Hanna, why don’t you serve our guests some wine?”
He watched Jeffrey take the wheel and start the engines, and wondered just what it was about the man that set him on edge.
They anchored a few miles off shore, and sat around eating and drinking, getting to know each other. All four of them wore swimwear, and he took note that Jeffrey eyed his wife often.
The lecherous interest annoyed him, but then he recalled that he had been eyeing Hanna the same way. He gave an inner shrug and supposed that any man would have trouble keeping their eyes away; the two women were truly exceptional.
Conversation ranged from advances in computer technology to treatment protocols for the mentally ill, and for a short time, even drifted into the area of Jessica’s work as a criminal profiler.
As the afternoon wore on, he found himself getting sleepy and wondered if he had overindulged in the wine or eaten too much lobster.
After releasing a wide yawn, he looked over at his guests and apologized.
“I’m sorry for that. It must be the wine; it’s certainly not the company. I’m enjoying myself a great deal.”
Jessica let out her own yawn.
“Excuse me also; we must still be tired from the flight.”
Jeffrey stared at her.
He looked her over, while lingering on her breasts.
“I would just like to say that you are one very beautiful woman.”
“Well... thank you Jeffrey; and you’re a very handsome man.”
“Why don’t you take that bikini off? I’d love to see what’s under it.”
Jessica’s mouth dropped open as she set her drink down. She then looked from Hanna to Jeffrey and then at her husband, who was rising to his feet.
“You’ve crossed the line,” he said, and then took a step towards Jeffrey. A moment later, he stopped and shook his head, as the world began to spin around him. He then tottered backward and fell into the seat he had just left.
“Are you all right?” Jessica said, as she stood to go to him, then, an instant later, she was at his feet, fighting to stay conscious. She looked up into her husband’s slack face and heard him slur four words.
“It wasss da wiiiine,”
And a moment later, the day turned black.
He awoke in the stateroom. His mind was fuzzy, but he soon came to full awareness as he heard his wife scream his name. She lay across the room from him, on a bed, naked and spread eagle, with her wrists and ankles held by padded cuffs at the end of chains.
His restraints were less ornate; a pair of simple plastic handcuffs bound his hands and feet. He said a silent prayer of gratitude that he and Jessica’s positions weren’t reversed, had they been, they would have had little chance of survival.
Plastic sheeting covered every surface, even the lights, and gave the room a muted glow, akin to candlelight.
Hanna stood in front of him holding a long butcher knife that was a twin to the one Jeffrey wielded.
Jeffrey stood over Jessica, gazing down at her like a man about to indulge in a favorite meal. Then, he looked over and smiled at him.
“I’m going to make you watch what I do to your wife. I’m going to take my time doing it, and then I’m going to kill you slowly, just for the hell of it.”
He looked over at Jessica and saw that she was fighting not to panic. He locked eyes with her and sent her just the slightest nod, then, he saw her visibly relax and felt honored at her faith in him.
He sat up on the couch and talked to Hanna.
“You’re not going to be a part of this, are you?”
She grinned down at him.
“I’ve always been a part of it; ever since Jeffrey’s first kill.”
He stood up and held his bound wrists out towards her.
“Cut me free and I’ll let you live.”
As she opened her mouth to laugh, he swung his arms up high in the air and then brought them down in a violent arc that slammed the center of his wrists restraint against his right hipbone. The sudden pressure was too great for the ratcheting plastic teeth of the cuffs, and they flew open.
A second later, he had his left arm wrapped about Hanna’s neck and the butcher knife in his hand. Jeffrey started towards him, but thought better of it, and went back to Jessica’s side, and while Jeffrey was doing that, he cut the cuffs that bound his ankles.
Jeffrey threatened Jessica.
“Let Hanna go or I’ll kill her.”
“I could make the same threat and carry it out just as quickly. I think this is what they call a standoff, now, free my wife.”
Jeffrey’s left eye began to twitch.
“I’m not like you; I don’t need her. I don’t need anybody.”
Hanna called his name, as tears began to fall.
“He’s bluffing, Hanna,”
“Am I?” he said, and then slid the tip of the knife along Hanna’s right side. Bl
ood oozed from the wound and began dripping on the plastic with a rhythmical, splat, splat, splat.
Jeffrey held up a beseeching hand. “No!” Afterwards, he let out a humorless chuckle and shook his head. “Son of a bitch; I actually give a damn.”
He reached over to a table and grabbed a key, after he unlocked the first restraint, he gave the key to Jessica and she freed herself of the remaining bonds. As she got off the bed, Jeffrey wrapped an arm around her neck, holding her just as Hanna was being held.
“Not so fast, Jessica; I’m not letting you go until Hanna is free.”
Jessica called over to Hanna.
“Take hold of Jeffrey’s hand, while my husband takes hold of mine. Then, on the count of three, we’ll switch.”
All four heads nodded in agreement, and a few seconds later, Jessica was free.
Jeffrey examined Hanna’s cut and then applied pressure on it, with a wad of tissues.
“You’ve a match set of scars now, very symmetrical of you.”
She ignored his banter and kissed him. “I love you too.”
He and Jessica were closer to the exit and they eased their way to it. Her missing bikini hung on a hook on the back of the door and he snagged it and tossed it to her.
As they opened the door to leave, Jeffrey spoke to him.
“You’re like me, aren’t you?”
“I was, once, before I met my wife.”
“If you’re planning to take the boat, forget it; I have the key.”
“Then we’ll swim for it.”
Jeffrey sent him a slight bow. “Until we meet again,”
A moment later, Jeffrey watched them leave the room, and the door slammed shut behind them.
Hanna headed for the door and Jeffrey stopped her.
“But they’ll get away; we have to stop them.”
“Let them go; I think I’ve found my Sherlock.”
“What about our lives, our house? We’ll have to leave everything behind.”
“Along with the boredom and ennui,”
“What will we do for money?”
“I’ve plenty stashed away, and I’ve always wanted to see the world.”
Hanna hugged him.
“I don’t care where we go, as long as I’m with you.”
Jeffrey kissed the top of her head.
“It would seem I’ve grown accustomed to you too.”